NW New Works - Alice Gosti's / Spaghetti CO
Vi ricordate, when I wrote you last December about a piece called Spaghetti CO. - Something just happened at 1:19pm, well the saga continues Premiering the second chapter Are you still hungry? as part of the NW New Works Festival at On the Boards THIS FRIDAY.
It still has Spaghetti and Wine, and a lot to do with being an Italian immigrant. As an Italian-American immigrant, I am also making this piece to speak to what it means to be an immigrant in a country of immigrants, in a time where we understand other cultures by mocking them with historical stereotypes, commonplaces that we have picked up from TV shows or movies, more than from reality. I am Italian, I was born in Italy, and I am making a dance with spaghetti and tomato sauce. As a Perugina, born and raised inside of the Etruscan walls, I would love to forward my invitation to the Italians of Seattle. I believe that your experience of this live performance will be something different and peculiar, being that we have so much in common!

Please feel free to spread the word and send this around to anybody you think might be interested.
Grazie per l'attenzione
A presto,
Alice Gosti
For more information http://gostia.net
I am thrilled to announce the premiere of the second chapter of the Spaghetti CO. saga with the title Are you still hungry?
It will open on Friday June 10th at 8pm and replicate two more times Saturday June 11th and Sunday June 12th at 5pm in the On the Boards Studio Theater (Seattle), as part of their NW New Works Festival. The whole festival line-up is amazing!! Quite the line-up for this years festival!
Consider purchasing your tickets on-line very soon, since the Studio Theater has a marvelous tradition of selling out.Spaghetti CO. - Are you still hungry? will, like its predecessor, Spaghetti CO. : Something just happened at 1:19pm deal with flying spaghetti, tomato sauce and wine, but that is not all, parallel to those images it will touch upon the ideas of home, belonging and grief.
and there is more cooking in the Spaghetti CO. project pot...
I would like to inform the world that DAKA is back on track.
After a little break, some confusion and a lot of questions - Anh Nguyen, Alice Gosti, Devin McDermott and Katherine Riggs are please to announce their re-union which happened in the process of the creation of Spaghetti CO. Are you still hungry?
NW New Works Festival 2011
Jun 10 - 12 & 17 - 19
2 weekends. 2 stages. 16 new performances.
Featuring: Kyle Loven | Christin Call / Coriolis Dance Collective | Alice Gosti | Kate Sanderson Holly | Holcombe Waller | Part & Parcel (Allie Hankins) | Paige Barnes | Jessica Jobaris & general magic | FINGER | Danielle Villegas | Quark Contemporary Dance Theatre | Lori Hamar | aluminum siding & mattisonthemove | Haruko Nishimura
The Blank Department | Shannon Stewart\
Info & tickets @ ontheboards.org
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