
Saturday July 2 Little Si 5 mile s R/T 1200 feet elevation gain.Easy Appointment at 9:30 at the parking lot, 15 minutes waiting time Northwest Forest Pass is not required Direction From Seattle drive east on I-90 to exit 32 (436th Avenue SE). Turn left (north) over the freeway and drive 0.5 mile to North Bend Way. Turn left (west), and in 0.25 mile turn right (north) on Mount Si Road. Shortly after cros si ng the bridge, the road banks right. Just after this curve, look for a paved parking area on the left si de of the road .If you go little further there is another parking place on your left where the trail start.We try this first Driving time 50 minutes from Seattle Ciao Edmondo Cell.206-669-4489 Please confirm by Friday night if you are coming and check your email Saturday morning in case of an emergency change. Don't forget to check the forum http://the-italianseattle.2293786.n4.nabble.com