Puget Sound Business Journal

Dear Members of the Italian Community:
I'm a reporter for the Puget Sound Business Journal.
 I am working on a piece about what's been happening with the 200 unsecured private investors who put money into Michael R. Mastro's "friends and family" account. It's been almost two years since Mike Mastro was forced into involuntary bankruptcy in one of the largest bankruptcies in state history. There's been a lot of attention paid to the trial but the public shouldn't lose track of the human cost of Mastro's bankruptcy. I would like to do a follow up with some of Mastro's "friends & family" investors to see what impact his bankruptcy has had on their lives. They deserve to have their stories heard.

My questions include:

*  When Mastro's business first collapsed, investors seemed to split into two camps - those who blamed the recession and those who attributed his failure to questionable business practices. Has their attitude towards Mastro changed as  a result of the trial proceedings?

* How they are managing the loss of their investment?,

* Have they gotten any money from the estate, how much of their loss do they expect to one day recover?, 

* Do they believe the trustee's extensive investigation has been worth its cost, or do they side with Mastro's attorneys who say the money would have been better spent distributing it to his creditors, 

* What have they learned about themselves in going through this experience? 

People can email a reply to me at jlj@bizjournals.com or, better yet, call me at 206-876-5426. If possible, I would like to hear from people today or on Monday. 

Thanks for your help.

-- Jeanne Lang Jones
Staff Writer
Puget Sound Business Journal 
P 206.876.5426 Direct 


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