
Showing posts from July, 2012


Saturday 28 Crystal Lake ( Mt. Rainier) 6 miles R/T   2300feet elevation gain Moderate to steep. Highest point 5836 feet Flowers are in full display Appointment at 9:00 at the trail head It would be nice to carpool,very limited parking space, Park&Ride 5115 13th Place SE Bellevue Take 1-405 south, take exit #9 turn left,parking is on your left after 200 yards.Appointment at 7:30 Let me know Driving Directions to the trailhead From Enumclaw, drive east 42 miles on State Route 410 to the trail head parking lot on the right, just 4.5 miles after passing through the park's entryway arch. No permit is required Ciao Edmondo  Cell.206-669-4489 Please  confirm by Friday night if you are coming and check your email Saturday morning in case of an emergency change.


Italian Superstar JOVANOTTI Seattle Debut Concert Saturday August 18, 2012 at the Neptune Theatre (1303 Northeast 45th St) $25,  8pm. 1-877-784-4849 ATO RECORDS TO RELEASE JOVANOTTIā€™S ITALIA 1988-2012 ON AUGUST 7 Beloved Italian Artist Will Perform in Select North American Cities This Summer The 2011 Bonnaroo performance by the polyglot Tuscan artist Jovanotti (nee Lorenzo Cherubini) won over American live music fans, critics and industry alike. Among those taken by Jovanottiā€™s artistry and charisma was the leadership of ATO Records, which will introduce American audiences to him with Italia 1988-2012 , a career retrospective including four new tracks, on August 7. This is the artistā€™s first physical album of studio recordings to be released in the U.S., and the first time much of the material has been released here in any format.  


Saturday  21 Barclay Lake  R/T 5 miles  Flat very easy Appointment at 9:30 at the parking lot, Northwest Forest Pass is required. 15 minutes waiting time Direction Take US 2 to the settlement of Baring. Near milepost 41 and across from a convenience store, turn left (north) onto 635th Place NE. Cross railroad tracks and after 0.3 mile come to a junction. Turn left onto Forest Road 6034 and proceed for 4.2 miles to the trailhead (elev. 2200 ft). Driving time around 1 hr Ciao Edmondo Cell.206-669-4489 Please if you come confirm by Friday night and check your email Saturday morning in case of an emergency change.


Saturday 14 Mason Lake  6 miles R/T  2550 feet elevation gain   Highest point 4750 feet, Moderate to strenuous Appointment at 9 at  trail head, 15 minutes waiting time Northwest Forest Pass is required Driving Directions: From Seattle drive east on I-90 to exit 45 (Forest Road 9030). Drive north, then stay left on FR 9030. About 1 mile from the freeway, you'll encounter a fork. Stay left again, now on Mason Lake Road (FR 9031). 4 miles from the freeway Driving time,around 1hr 15 min Warning Maybe exit 45 is close,just drive to exit 47 come back and take exit 45 turn right and follow the above direction. It will take 10 minutes more to drive Ciao Edmondo  Cell.206-669-4489 Please  confirm by Friday night if you are coming and check your email Saturday morning in case of an emergency change.

Public Opera

 Public Opera is pleased to announce that on Sunday July 15th  Anthony Kalil, tenor, the winner of the 2011 and 2012 Metropolitan Opera NW Regional Auditions will be our guest tenor before leaving for New York to join the Metropolitan Opera's Lindemann Young Artist program. We are lucky to have him as a guest tenor and this will be one of his last appearances in the Seattle area, so don't miss out! Make your reservations at Basil's in the Bellevue Hilton for a lovely dinner concert on Sunday July 15th at 6pm with Anthony Kalil, Barbara Smith Jones, Misha Myznikov and Victoria Chaussee.  Cost is $35 pp for a fabulous meal and a show! Please call 425-455-1300 for reservations or visit . The Bellevue Hilton is located at 300 112th Avenue Bellevue, WA 98004.


Sunday July 8 Talapus and  Olallie Lake  6 miles R/T  1,150 feet elevation gain. Highest point 3,800 feet. Easy to Moderate Appointment at 9:00 at the trail head,15 minutes waiting time Driving time around 1 hr Northwest Forest Pass is required Driving Directions: From Seattle drive I-90 east to exit 45 (Forest Road 9030). Turn left under the freeway on FR 9030. In 1 mile bear right at the junction. Continue straight to the trailhead at the road's end. Ciao Edmondo  Cell.206-669-4489 Please  confirm by Saturday by 6:00 PM  if you are coming and check your email Sunday morning in case of an emergency change.