
Saturday 16 Wallace Falls 5.5 miles R/T, 1,200 feet elevation gain. Moderate hike The three-tiered falls is one of the state's premier lowland falls (ranking with Snoqualmie and Palouse Falls) and is accessible most of the year. Lower Wallace Falls is arguably the most photographic; Middle Falls the most spectacular; Appointment at 10:00 at the parking lot, 15 min.waiting time Driving time around 1 hr A Discover Pass is required Take Hwy 2 to Gold Bar. Just before milepost 28, turn left onto 1st Street (signed for Wallace Falls State Park). Proceed for 0.4 mile to a four-way stop. Turn right onto May Creek Road and continue for 1.5 miles to Wallace Falls State Park and the trailhead. Ciao Edmondo Cell.206-669-4489 Please confirm by Friday 6 PM if you are coming and check your email Saturday morning in case of an emergency change.